Clorox Girls

Clorox Girls

J’amie Les Filles

[2.5/5] Who knew these boys could clean up so nicely? This trio out of Portland, Oregon, continue to veer toward the poppy end of the punk spectrum with their third full-length release, J’aime Les Filles. Songs about smoking dope (see their first two 7-inches) are replaced with defanged lyrics like “I need you like the sunshine/When I’m covered in rain.” As the album title would suggest, an appreciation for French pop music can be found throughout the record, including a cover of ’70s pop star Lio’s “Le Banana Split.” Fans of ’70s power-pop like the Knack and Cheap Trick will probably dig this album, but fans of earlier Clorox Girls material and those hoping for a harder punk edge will have to look elsewhere. (BYO) Erin Rahel
