Amir Sulaiman

Amir Sulaiman

Life A Thief In The Night

[4/5] If you’re not familiar with Amir Sulaiman, you should be. This gifted rhymesmith takes hip-hop back to it’s revolutionary roots, a time when rappers used their lyrics as weapons. On Like A Thief In The Night (which is brilliantly produced by Minnesota), Sulaiman spits a barrage of knowledge that echoes the brash style of Chuck D., with an in-your-face approach reminiscent of Sticky Fingaz of Onyx. The album begins with a spoken-word tirade, where Sulaiman blasts materialism and the state of politics. But it’s not just a bunch of empty bitching, as the record is also full of messages of hope and solutions for change. On “How Beautiful You Are,” he calls for women to stand up against the misogyny that dominates mainstream rap music. It’s a shame that while the media blasts hip-hop for it’s negative images, positive artists like him fall under the radar. (UPRISING) Eddie Fleisher
