Death Killer

Death Killer

New England Is Sinking


Members of Deathkiller might list Hatebreed and Most Precious Blood on their résumés, but Deathkiller ask neither moshing nor vegetarianism from you: Put simply, they want to rock you. New England Is Sinking is full of raw and pounding, rock ’n’ roll-injected hardcore a la their peers in the Bronx and relative originators Suicide File, occasionally served up with a well-executed, clean vocal line. But just because Deathkiller have a bit of roll doesn’t mean they can’t be pissed-it’s wholly convincing when Matt McIntosh screams “You bastards/You fucked up” in “Idle Worship.” Then again, they do reference both Interpol’s bassist and online social networking in the title of “Carlos D Is In My Top 8.” Despite that the style has gone through the wringer more than once, Deathkiller deliver a done-and-done sound more than competently. (I SCREAM) Brian Shultz

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