The Blackout Pact

The Blackout Pact

Hello Sailor

[5] Much has been made of the fact that the Blackout Pact were discovered by Thursday’s Geoff Rickly in a West Village Hot Dog Shop. However, here’s hoping this anecdote-as well as the band’s offstage antics-won’t overshadow the Blackout Pact’s music, because Hello Sailor is one of the most inspired and energetic punk debuts in recent memory. Opening the disc with the single “We Drink So You Don’t Have To” the band effortlessly combine elements of pop-punk, hardcore and math-rock into one anthemic number after another, culminating with “You Punch Me, I Punch You,” a smartly executed punk anthem that bridges the gap between Avail and Thursday (and features guest vocals from Rickly). “Wake up sleepyhead, it’s time/I’ve got these hands tonight,” sings vocalist Mike Herrera during the song’s chorus, conducting the rest of his band like a choir and reminding jaded listeners (and critics) just why we got involved in this “punk” thing in the first place. (ASTRO MAGNETICS) Jonah Bayer

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