The Spill Canvas

The Spill Canvas

No Really, I’m Fine


Less than 20 seconds into his major-label debut, Spill Canvas mastermind Nick Thomas proclaims, “We don’t believe anything that these critics go writing in their magazines.” So we’ll go right ahead and say this disc is a solidly admirable record-and that comes as a bit of a surprise. No Really, I’m Fine dashes through 12 smoothly produced tracks showcasing a more practiced, refined musician than the angst-ridden Thomas who wrote and recorded 2005’s slightly rough One Fell Swoop for 111 Records, although the angst isn’t so much gone as polished. No Really is primed for wide release-soaring hooks, sliding melodies and addictive choruses pervade the album-but Thomas also takes advantage of quieter moments to explore his more emotive, poetic side. The late-night ballad “Connect The Dots” is delicately intimate, so much so that it almost feels invasive to hear Thomas croon, “I know all your favorite spots/And tonight we will connect the dots.” Maybe next time, Thomas won’t be so quick to assume that all press will be bad press. (SIRE) Emily Zemler
