I Hate Sally

I Hate Sally

Don’t Worry Lady


Women. Apparently I Hate Sally can’t live without them-especially since their singer, Dee Prescott is one. There are references to the fairer sex everywhere on this slab of sludge-the album title, their name (obviously) and literally every song. For that matter, it isn’t just any women’s names mentioned in the songs; curiously, it’s women from the Bible: Eve, Deborah, Hannah, Mary-you get the point. Now, to be sure, this is no worship CD, unless the band’s parishioners pray at the altar of thrash and the shrine of shred. Don’t Worry Lady puts the “fuckin’ A” back into the stories of the Bible with a non-stop barrage of inspired bulldozing and angular riffmongery, experimenting with groove bombs (“Hannah Hannah”), reverb washed guitar lines (“Iseah’s Life”) and spit-curdling screeches (“Mary! Mary!”), all of which paint their odes to the holiest of ladies in swathes of high-gain goodness. (DENSITY) Casey Lynch
