Anchor Arms

Anchor Arms

Cold Blooded


With so many bands doing the whiskey-shattered, Gainesville, Florida-oriented punk-rock sound, there’s bound to be a few who can’t quite fire on every cylinder. Anchor Arms play that gruff, energetic style well enough on their debut full-length, Cold Blooded, but even with only nine songs, the gems are few and far between. “Girl And A Glacier” and “Wires” are bold, sing-along anthems that unfortunately are rarely replicated. Granted, hints of Rocket From The Crypt’s lo-fo rock ’n’ roll occasionally bleed through (“Cocaine Cowboy”), giving Anchor Arms a little something more than their peers can muster. But at 22 minutes, Cold Blooded is an admirable attempt at quality over quantity that comes up a bit short. (FAIL SAFE; Brian Shultz
