
Set It Off share song written with the help of 1000 fans

You know when you relate to a song so much it feels like it could have been written by you?

Now, a thousand lucky Set It Off fans can actually say they wrote the lyrics to one their favorite band's songs. Listen to the results below!

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Set It Off are premiering the song “Hourglass Love,” which they wrote with the help of 1000 fans during a livestream on Jan. 2. They asked viewers to comment with lyrics, while the band worked on the melodies and guitar parts.

Afterward, SIO chose their favorite ideas to create a full song and are now sharing it.

The video shows the band playing “Hourglass Love” acoustically, and they even give shoutouts to the fans who came up with the lyrics.

Listen to the song below:

Catch Set It Off on tour with Sleeping With Sirens and the Gospel Youth. The 18-date run starts Jan. 22 in Philadelphia and will wrap up Feb. 16 in Indianapolis. 

Watch more: APMAs 2017 Performance: SET IT OFF rocks it in the aisle!

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