Song Premiere: Story Of The Year, "Until The Day I Die" (acoustic)

Story Of The Year's Page Avenue turned ten last month and the band are honoring the anniversary with the release of a ten-year acoustic album Page Avenue: 10 Years And Counting next week, October 8.

For the reworked songs, guitarist Ryan Phillips told us their goal was to up the piano ante and really highly the songs' melodies. “This version of 'Until the Day I Die' strongly exemplifies that mindset and allows the song to open up and breathe, giving a stronger focus on the lyrics and vocal melodies,” says Phillips. “I'm pretty stoked on it, especially toying with arrangement a bit and adding a little guitar solo.”

Frontman Dan Marsala adds, “'Until The Day I Die' is one of the biggest songs of our career. It's a song that really connects with a lot of people. We wanted this version to be an intimate and mellow take that would be a good platform for the lyrics to really shine through. It's a classic relationship song and this laid back vibe really fits it well.

Stream the song below and tell us what you think of the acoustic version.


Relive the original via the music video below, and be sure to catch SOTY on their ten-year tour, where limited special edition physical copies of Page Avenue: 10 Years And Counting will be available.

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