AltPress Celebrates Earth Day: 10 cool ways to recycle CDs

CDs? Who uses those. Well, for music, anyway. To celebrate Earth Day, the AP staff have scoured the web for some cool ways to recycle your unwanted discs. Check out some of the DIY guides below to find out how you can repurpose your old tunes! 

10. Send to an actual CD recycling center
There are facilities created specifically for the purpose of recycling your unwanted CDs and DVDs. Find the one nearest you at CDRecyclingCenter.Org

9. Use the cases to make a photo display
Alternative Press | 10 Rad Ways to Recycle
Expand and showcase your photos with this segmented CD jewel case wall art. Get the instructions at

8. Divide rooms with CD curtains
Alternative Press | 10 Rad Ways To Recycle Old CDs
No wall? No problem. Divide your space with this CD curtain divider. And, hey, if you put it in direct sunlight, you can probably blind your enemies before they can get to you. Win-win. Get the tutorial at

7. Organize Earrings
Alternative Press | 10 Rad Ways To Recycle
Over that CD from your early ska phase? Hate tangled earrings? Sorted and sorted with this DIY jewelry stand from CraftInspirationStudio.

6. Make a clock
Alternative Press | 10 Rad Ways To Recycle CDs
Not only does this craft idea from UsefulDIY help you clean up your CD collection, it also repurposes old vinyl and you can tell time with it. 

5. Coasters (or wall art)
Alternative Press | 10 Rad Ways To Recycle CDs
Get the exact table protection you want by customizing old CDs into unique coasters, then snicker at your friends who paid entirely too much for ugly rubber ones at Bed, Bath & Beyond. Katie Krueger's blog explains.

4. More coasters! 
Alternative Press | 10 Rad Ways to Recycle old CDs
Another spin on the CD-coaster hybrid. DIY Recycle Craft bring more material into the mix for another option.

3. Postcard/invitations

1. Glue paper over the the CD
2. Decorate as desired
3. Write address with sharpie
4. Attach 44 cent stamp

2. Add flair to your boring clothes
Alternative Press | 10 Rad Ways To Recycle old CDs
Thank blogger Lenne for this mirrored collar idea, which turns your ordinary dress shirt into a shimmering, multi-faceted one-of-a-kind piece. 

1. Make an iPhone/iPod dock
Alternative Press | 10 Rad Ways to Recycle
Talk about irony.  Ouch. The digital age takes its throne. (Poor CDs.) Create your own CD/iPod dock with Geeky Gadgets' guide.

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