
Turns out 73 percent of young people do not want phones banned at shows

Using phones at shows is a bigger discussion that’s been on the forefront in the past few years, recently reignited after A Perfect Circle kicked out more than 60 fans who violated their “no photos” policy.

So, UK ticket outlet Skiddle conducted a survey with 1,200 customers to get their thoughts on using phones at gigs, with only 27 percent of young people thinking they should be banned at concerts.

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That means a solid 73 percent of people do not want phones banned at gigs. So why do the 27 percent want the change?

Skiddle shared that of the 27 percent, 37 percent said phones were distracting, 34 percent said they take away from the experience, 20 percent said they block the view of your fellow concertgoers and 8 percent said filming and photography during a show was disrespectful to an artist.

For those who voted to keep phones at gigs, they said it’s mostly because they want to relive the experience, and if they bought the ticket, they believe they have the right to use their phones as they please.

Each side has their own pros and cons, of course. And there are certain musicians that are certainly outspoken on the topic. (We’re talking about you, Corey Taylor.)

What are your thoughts on using phones to take photos and videos at shows? Let us know in the comments below!

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