90s songs

Here's the ’90s alternative anthem that best matches your zodiac sign

If you are into astrology, you have probably implemented it in a lot of areas of your life to figure out who you truly are. Have you ever applied it to your favorite ’90s anthems? Thanks to the stars and zodiac signs, astrology has given us a way to find out which ’90s tune you […]

10 iconic ’90s songs that you can easily learn to play on guitar

Every guitarist knows the feeling of first picking up the instrument and being at a total loss for where to start. While everyone just wants to jam out to their favorite hits, there’s often a learning curve involved. That said, there are plenty of beginner-level songs that you can learn how to play with just […]

These 10 alternative covers put a modern spin on ’90s favorites

We’re all gripped by ’90s nostalgia, and our favorite alternative artists are no exception. The difference is instead of scouring for Furbys on eBay, they’re covering some iconic songs of the decade. While we can’t say that we ever expected pop-punk or metalcore renditions of ’90s hits, we’re certainly here for it. After all, we […]

10 hits from the ’90s you probably didn’t know are from movies

There are some songs that you hear that immediately make you think of the movie they were featured prominently in, such as Celine Dion’s smash “My Heart Will Go On.” You just can’t help but think of Rose on that block of wood, pledging her love to an exhausted, descending Jack, even while she won’t […]

10 hits from the ’90s you had no clue were covers

When California rockers Ugly Kid Joe (whose frontman Whitfield Crane went on to briefly lead significantly harder rockers Life Of Agony) followed up their hit “Everything About You” with a fist-waving cover of the tear-jerking ’70s ballad “Cats In The Cradle” in 1992, the only word that came to mind was genius. They had vaulted […]

'Captain Marvel'-featured ‘90s songs see major download increase

Captain Marvel is apparently making some songs popular again that were once big hits in the ‘90s. All of the songs on the soundtrack combined jumped 464 percent in downloads from March 7 and March 10, according to a report by Nielsen Music. There are a total of 13 songs in the film. Read more: […]