alternative albums

10 lead singles from the 2000s that define these iconic album eras

In the modern age of rapid releases, instant gratification and seemingly endless content, it’s easy to take singles for granted. After all, it’s hard to fully appreciate a new track—or even an album—for what it’s worth when you’ve got hundreds to choose from. Throwback to the 2000s alternative scene, though, and it’s a different story […]

10 artists who completely took off after their debut albums

If there’s one universal truth to alternative music, it’s that there’s no one path to success. Many talented artists grind for years, putting out record after record until one day they accumulate a global following. Others may find commercial success following the release of their debut album. Of course, that’s not to say that any […]

10 albums from the ’90s that pushed the feminist movement to new heights

It’s a bit sad that feminism and music go so perfectly hand in hand. The movement shouldn’t have to be twisted into a countercultural phenomenon driven by defiance. After all, in any reasonable world, the equality and representation of women and marginalized groups should be inherent. As it stands, though, feminism depends on rationally minded […]

10 iconic alternative albums that deserve to be certified RIAA gold

We’ve already established that there are some surprises that come with RIAA certifications. That said, there’s nothing more troubling than realizing that some of the most iconic alternative albums have never been certified gold. It’s not particularly surprising that there are some discrepancies between an album’s generalized reception and its certification standing. After all, the criteria […]