bmth lyrics

QUIZ: Do you remember the lyrics to BMTH’s “Chelsea Smile”?

It’s time for every Bring Me The Horizon fan to “repent, repent” because Suicide Season turns 12 years old today. The iconic album sleeve remains a staple on record shelves with the cover model literally spilling her guts. Aside from this, BMTH’s hit single “Chelsea Smile” remains locked into many of our Spotify playlists all […]

How well do you know the lyrics to “Parasite Eve” by BMTH?

On June 25, Bring Me The Horizon graced us with a new song, “Parasite Eve,” along with a creepy video that brought us into a horrifying new world.  The track is part of multiple albums the band are planning to release over the next year, which was first speculated in late 2019 around the release […]