cherie amour

Meet Cherie Amour: here's how they invented their own form of "nü punk"

Sometimes the ear knows when it hears something special. It perks up, attentively absorbing audio waves from a source wonderful and unique enough to command its undivided attention. Early twenty one pilots had that effect, blending an array of instruments, production techniques and vocal patterns into a happy hodgepodge of songs that eventually peppered the […]

12 new pop-punk tracks to stream if you’re getting back into the genre

Welcome back to pop punk. Come and look around. If you haven’t air-guitared to “All The Small Things” since high school, or even middle school, there’s so much for you to catch up on.  There’s no need to feel nostalgic or pine for the past. The scene is alive, diverse and oozing with new tracks. […]
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