civil twilight

Premiere: Civil Twilight, "Fire Escape (Audien Remix)"

Check out an exclusive premiere of a remix of Civil Twilight's smash single, “Fire Escape,” from their 2012 album Holy Weather. The song's original version has been featured on a number of television shows including House and Vampire Diaries and spent 30 weeks on the Heat-Seekers Chart. Check out the song below along with their upcoming tour […]

Civil Twilight - Holy Weather

Civil Twilight Holy Weather Civil Twilight sound a lot like mid-period U2 crossed with Peter Gabriel’s moody theatricality; their music is grandiose but much more downbeat. Certainly part of that is frontman Steven McKellar’s breathy, echo-laden vocals and stylistic tics (like cooing oohs and ahhs over the guitar breaks) that suggest a youth spent in […]
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