george a romero

These are the 10 greatest final girls in horror movies

They are horror’s sole survivors—the women who take on deadly monsters, masked killers and terrifying aliens on their own terms. From Halloween’s Laurie Strode to Scream’s Sidney Prescott, the final girl has been a staple of horror movies since the early 1970s.  An alternately empowering and problematic character, the final girl, as defined by author […]

10 horror movie plot twists no one ever saw coming

From the stories of O. Henry to The Twilight Zone and Black Mirror, the plot twist has long been a staple of storytelling. In horror movies, twists can either heighten the scares or provide an exit out of a lousy script. In the hands of a hack, a twist is merely a cheap shot. In […]

20 horror movies from the ’90s that are still as scary as they were then

The decade that gave us dial-up internet and the “Rachel” cut remains one of the most fertile and influential eras in the development of horror cinema. Although the ’80s are easy to generalize as the era of iconic slashers such as Freddy and Jason, ’90s horror doesn’t lend itself to such convenient categorization.  From the […]

10 TV shows to watch until ‘American Horror Story’ returns

The last decade has seen an explosion of horror content on television. Thanks to streaming services such as Netflix, traditional cable outlets and genre-specific platforms such as Shudder, horror on the small screen is undergoing a bloody renaissance. Freed from the strictures of network censors, creators are exploring darker themes and more intense imagery than […]

Here are 20 horror remakes and sequels that live up to the original

Whether you love, loathe or merely try to ignore them, horror remakes, rehashes and sequels have been a cinematic fact of life since the earliest days of the medium. The trend of rebooting successful films has, for better and too often for worse, been a staple of the genre since its inception. Robert Louis Stevenson’s […]

The best 20 horror movies you can stream right now

Streaming numbers have been going up because everyone’s been spending more time at home the past month, and there’s plenty of horror movies to check out while physically distancing. Whether you’re streaming movies on Netflix, Amazon Prime or Hulu, there’s a lot to pick from in terms of ones that will scare the crap out […]

10 songs that sample classic horror films so well, you'll get chills

Horror movies have influenced every aspect of culture outside of their own genre, but music has been touched by these films more than any other facet of society. From the aesthetic to the stories and the characters, these films are a huge influence on musicians spanning across hip-hop, metal, rock, punk and everything in between.  […]

Top 10 zombie movies every horror fan needs to watch

Everyone has thought about how they would handle living in a zombie apocalypse at some point in time. It’s so ingrained in our consciousness from the number of beloved films on the topic released over the years. Sure, The Walking Dead did a great job of making zombies hugely marketable in entertainment but they’ve been […]