john baizley

Baroness' John Baizley releases details of August bus crash

The first official update from the band members of Baroness since their bus crash in the UK back in August has been released on their website. In it, frontman John Baizley describes the entire crash in great detail, his injuries, ongoing recovery and not allowing this situation to stop Baroness from continuing. Below you can read […]

Interview: Baroness' John Baizley discusses the "unexpected" tone of their third album

Metal demigods Baroness are so prepared for their third album—which they’re recording with producer John Congleton, who helmed 2009’s Blue Record—that frontman John Baizley knew exactly in what direction the band were going months ago. In fact, they tracked bass and drums for the album last November in Hoboken, New Jersey, right before Baizley gave […]
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