nancy spungen

Why Danny Boyle's 'Pistol' proves the Sex Pistols were more than a rock band

Pistol, Hulu’s six-episode retelling of the Sex Pistols’ story through guitarist Steve Jones’ eyes, is hardly the first cinematic rendering of the life and times of England’s most notorious early punk-rock band. But it is the best. Mind you, the competition is hardly fierce. The first, 1980’s The Great Rock ‘n’ Roll Swindle, was ostensibly a […]

Here's who is playing Sid Vicious in this new Sex Pistols limited series

This week, FX confirmed that a limited series based on the Sex Pistols is officially in the works called Pistol. The upcoming series has a star-studded cast that includes a Games Of Thrones star and a familiar face you may recognize from Netflix. Read more: Donald Trump is now the first president to be impeached […]