Phantom Of The Paradise

10 horror movies for people who hate horror movies

Whether horror haters just don’t get the thrill of a good scare or they’ve bought into the longstanding attitude that the genre is junk exploitation for the maladjusted, they’re missing out on some of the most allegorical, insightful films in history. Horror fans, take heart, here’s your chance to bring a hater into the horde. […]

20 underrated horror villains ranked in order of most terrifying

To horror fans, these names are sacred: Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, Michael Myers and Leatherface. They’re the cinematic slashers who replaced Dracula, Frankenstein’s Monster and the Wolfman in the pantheon of movie monsters. They ushered in an arguably less refined, more violent and definitely bloodier approach in the 1970s and ’80s. No doubt, they’ve earned their […]