
The Lead: Don’t drop the SOPA: Musicians weigh in on the controversial legislation

Have you ever listened to your favorite songs on YouTube? Uploaded a random picture of a cute, fluffy kitten to your Facebook account? Tweeted a link to an MP3 you didn’t write or record? Left a comment with a link to an illegal album download on a forum? If the answer to any of these […]

SOPA/PIPA Protests Produce Results

After Wednesday's protest against SOPA/PIPA, the power of the internet shows as both the House of Representatives and Senate have postponed action of the legislation. 

Megaupload taken down by FBI; file-sharing site's executives indicted for piracy

Megaupload, one of the largest onilne storage and file delivery services on the Internet, has been shut down due to allegations of piracy. The FBI and the Justice Department, citing some $500 million in lost income of copyright holders from pirated music, films and other media hosted on the site, indicted six defendants, according to […]
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