
Neck Deep, Sum 41 publicist Dayna Ghiraldi on how she went from music fan to repping her fave bands

Dayna Ghiraldi and her husband’s first date took place at a the Used and Thrice concert in Long Island, New York in 2003. Fourteen years later, on Nov. 8, 2017, she watched the Used perform again at Terminal 5 in New York City. Only this time, she did it as their publicist. “I know it […]

SideOneDummy’s Jamie Coletta talks about what it takes to be a publicist in the music industry

[Photo credit: Christina Johns] Simply put, Jamie Coletta loves music. She grew up listening to New Found Glory and Brand New, and her grade school notebooks are probably covered in fantastically emo lyrics. But Coletta didn’t want to just listen and enjoy, she wanted to be a part of the process. After investing in a […]
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