weekly playlist

Weekly Playlist #32: Nine Cheers For Sweet Revenge

“An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth” isn’t always the best policy, Hammurabi, but sometimes it just feels too damn good to get back at someone who crosses you. Musicians have the perfect platform for vengeance, so there is no shortage of songs with horrific lyrical violence, showing off to haters and […]

Weekly Playlist #30: 10 Essential Albums Of AP Lore (or “What Rock Critics Won’t Tell You”)

AP 300 featuring My Chemical Romance's first AP cover story reimagined by Gerard Way won't be on newsstands much longer, so we're giving you all the more incentive to go out and grab your copy with a preview of the issue's final page–our famed 10 Essential section in playlist form. There have been plenty of changes in […]

Weekly Playlist #25: Windows Down - 11 summer driving songs

It’s getting hot out, which means it’s about time to start annoying people with your loud music as you drive by. Rather than shooting for the generic summer songs playlist, this week, we are providing you with some of the perfect songs to play very loudly with the warm summer breeze whipping across your face. […]

Weekly Playlist #21: Why Didn't We Think Of That? - Reader Recs

Often, after publishing our weekly playlist, we scroll to the comments section, smack our foreheads and yell, “Why didn’t we think of that?!” when we see the suggestions you leave. After our first 20 playlists, we decided it was time to round up your feedback and acknowledge a few of the songs you would have […]

Weekly Playlist #20: Loooong Soooongs

In January, we posted a playlist of 9 songs under 90 seconds and received a suggestion to compile the opposite of that list. Ask and ye shall receive (a few months later). Here are the editorial staff’s top songs that are 360 seconds or longer. CONTRIBUTORS: Scott Heisel [SH] Brian Kraus [BK] Brittany Moseley [BM] […]

Weekly Playlist #17: Conditions’ 10 studio must-have songs

The editors are stepping down this week and handing the playlist reins over to Conditions, who are set to release their new album next week (March 26). They gave us this list of songs that were essential listening during the recording of Full Of War. Contibutor: Brandon Roudtree, vocals RADIOHEAD – “All I Need” This […]

Weekly Playlist #16: In Defense Of My Music – ten dirty secrets on our iPods

Because sometimes editors sit in a room, look through each others’ music libraries and exclaim, “Wow! That’s a lot of Nelly.” Because I heard our editor in chief singing “Brown Eyes” by Lady Gaga last week, and because sometimes we need taken down about five notches on the arrogance scale, last week, we scoured each […]

Weekly Playlist #13: Songs Vs. The Scene

“Everyone’s a critic,” they say, but the artists-turned-sneering cynics in this playlist are not only critical, they’re self-aware—and they want you to know it. Jawbreaker once so eloquently put it in a song title: “Bad Scene, Everyone’s Fault.” However, these songs are doing their part to call out the bullshit and force improvement—or are they […]

Weekly Playlist #12/Exclusive Tonight Alive Giveaway: Love Is In The Air

Red and pink everywhere, those chalky, heart-shaped candies that no one actually wants, flowers—ugh. ‘Tis the season. Love is in the air, and there’s no avoiding it. So, if you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em on February 14. Here’s a list of love songs to get you feeling all hearts-for-eyes. Because Valentine’s Day is tomorrow, […]

Weekly Playlist #11: Yacht Rock, nine nautical-themed songs

In the comments on our nine songs under 90 seconds long playlist, reader Glenn Schroeder suggested, “How about a playlist of nautical themed songs?” Challenge accepted, Glenn. Since, you know, seapunk is all the rage these days, we’ve compiled a list of songs filled with ships, sea creatures and a whole lotta water for your […]

Weekly Playlist #10: When Good Bands Write Bad Songs

Some of us go to the ends of the earth to defend the artists we love, but even we have to step back sometimes to acknowledge that telltale grimace stank-face we make when certain songs begin to play. So, for once, we actually don’t recommend the songs on the playlist below, but we do solidly […]

Weekly Playlist #9: Say My Name

Every now and then, a musician breaks the fourth wall and reminds you that yes, there are people behind those awesome tunes you’re listening to. It can be jarring when something that personal creeps into usually general, relatable lyrics—or it can make the song all that more fun. Here are some of our favorite name […]

Weekly Playlist #7: Maximum Acceleration - 9 to 90

Way back in November when we posted our first weekly playlist, a reader commented, “I'd love to see you guys do a playlist of songs that last 90 seconds or less.” See, we’re not just throwing it out there without reason when we tell you to leave suggestions for future playlists in the comments. We, […]

Weekly Playlist #5: Taking Back Gifts-day

It’s December 26 and across the lands, people are morphing into retail monsters, fighting tooth-and-cart to get their unwanted gifts back to the stores and money back into their filthy paws that were only one day prior an anatomical symbol for giving. Now it’s all about getting things off of them—like that weird lamp Aunt […]

Weekly Playlist #3: The top 12 of 2012

As music years go, 2012 wasn’t shabby, and we have 12 songs to prove it. Our editors sift through copious amounts of music annually (daily, even). So, when they pick something as a favorite, it stands out against an expansive backdrop comprised of everything from dudes who use hacksaws as instruments to Warped Tour staples […]

Weekly Playlist #1: Better (Trans)Late Than Never

The editorial department here at AP are an eclectic musical bunch. On any given day you can hear sounds screeching through our halls that range from intolerable, high-frequency noise to the latest pop-punk sensation. You often get to read our takes on your (and our) favorite artists on the site and in the magazine, but […]