zodiac signs

Find out which musician you share a zodiac sign with

Whether you love astrology or hate it, odds are you at least know your zodiac sign. If you are a believer that the signs can determine your personality, you know how entertaining it can be to see who you are supposedly similar to based on your birth chart. Check out what popular musicians you share […]

Super easy Halloween costumes based on your zodiac sign

Halloween is  less than a month away, so it’s time to start planning the perfect costume if you haven’t already. If you’re having a hard time coming up with an idea, we’re here to help. Here are some fun DIY costume ideas based on your zodiac sign and its traits. Read more: Op-Ed: Netflix’s Death Note […]

Here’s the pop-punk song that best fits your zodiac sign

Ahhh, pop punk, the genre gift that keeps on giving. It’s so much more than palm-muted power chords and the desire to eat pizza. Pop punk speaks directly to our souls. It sustains our scene; it gives us a reason to wake up in the morning. Pop punk is a part of us… which means […]

The zodiac signs as music video screenshots

[Photo by: blink182VEVO/YouTube] By now, we’d shown you what My Chemical Romance and Panic! At The Disco song you are based on your zodiac sign, but let us depict your particular sign’s characteristics are — in the form of screenshots from some of the most popular music videos of the scene. Read more: Here’s the My Chemical […]

Here’s the My Chemical Romance song that best fits your Zodiac Sign

Just like you and snowflakes (see what we did there?), no My Chemical Romance song is like the other. Because of Gerard Way and team’s ability to craft really beautiful (and heartbreaking and maddening and every other emotion) songs, we started scheming: “Hey, bet there’s a MCR single for everyone based on their zodiac sign!” […]

What your zodiac sign says about your rock star persona

Let’s face it: We’ve all had that dream of being onstage fronting an awesome band in front of thousands of adoring fans; and for some of us, that dream is still alive and kicking. But what if the key to becoming a star is in the stars themselves? It’s time to find out what makes […]

Here’s the Panic! At The Disco song that best fits your zodiac sign

Ever listen to a song and think, “Wow, this is speaking to me. Not just my individual situation, but me, my person, my soul”? We have, too, like, all the time—but some big bangers sing a bit truer than others. Panic! At The Disco have the power to resonate with everyone, from all walks of […]

Find out your "metal zodiac sign"

Today in blackhearted whimsy: The poster above, created by DeviantArt user JollyRotten, outlines the “metal zodiac signs.” So, what’s your sign? Do you agree or disagree with its portrayal? (Thanks to MetalSucks for the tip.)
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