
People think Taylor Swift is about to release a hardcore album, and it’s actually hilarious

[Photo by: Taylor Swift/Twitter]

Today, Taylor Swift announced her sixth studio album, Reputation, due out in November. While there’s plenty of hype surrounding its release, plenty of people have built up the hype surrounding the artwork—namely, the hardcore-inspired font.

The Twitter world has exploded in what might be some of the best responses to T-Swift’s newest album—and their hopes that it’ll be one of the heaviest releases of the year. (Jokes, of course.)

Read more: Dave Grohl once got high at a party and played a Foo Fighters song with Taylor Swift

See some of the best reactions to Swift’s seemingly hardcore-inspired artwork below:

Not to mention, it looks very similar to Nothing Left's Destroy And Rebuild cover art…

We're just waiting to give that first single a listen and decide from there.

What are your thoughts on Taylor Swift’s album artwork? Let us know in the comments below!

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