
Here's why you shouldn't panic when you favorite band "sells out"

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Nothing is more satisfying than finding that gem among underground bands. Their following may be small and their Spotify plays may be under one thousand, but they have that stage prescence combined with a unique sound that makes you immediately fall in love with them. But what happens when your small-town heroes turn into record label rockstars? The heartbreak of watching your favorite local band turn into mainstream artists producing radio-friendly hits is one we've all experienced, but one we shouldn't fret over. 

Here's why you shouldn't panic when your favorite band “sells out.”

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You were their number one fan

[Gif by: CMA Fest/Giphy]

You've been to all of their shows, bought all of their merch

[Gif by: grungeisntmything/Tumblr/Giphy]

Hell, you even let them crash on your couch to save them from another night crammed in their tiny van

[Gif by: Topshelf Records/Giphy]

You were there through the awkward beginnings, and let's face it, you've seen them at their absolute worst

[Gif by: Know Your Meme/Giphy]

You show them off to your best friends every chance you get

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They were YOUR band

[Gif by: O&O, Inc/Giphy]

And then they snag a record deal, announcing a new album

[Gif by: cfbmemes/Giphy]

Then you hear the new album, and it sounds nothing like their old stuff


You hear their new single on the radio

Everyone loves it, everyone loves THEM


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Suddenly your friends are asking you if you've ever heard of this band…

Are they serious?

Their album climbs the charts, and all of a sudden your hidden gem is now one of the most talked-about bands in the scene

Yeah, it feels personal, especially when they meant so much to you

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And it's okay to be sad

But we all grow up and change, bands are no exception. It doesn't mean you can't still love them and rock out hard to their old stuff.

So when you see your favorite bands giving a shout out to Ethika or Monster, just remember they need to make money, too. 

Besides, think of all the times they poured what little money they had into their crappy van just to travel to your city for a twenty person show.

[Gif by: Soundfly/Giphy]

Most aren't doing it for the money, but your favorite artists DO deserve a paycheck. They're not rolling in the dough like you may think.

So while you're allowed to be bummed over a band's change that you may not be too fond of, there's no need to panic. Their old stuff will still be there for you when you need it. Plus, there are a ton of new local gems just waiting to be discovered. 

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