
You Me At Six record new song "The Swarm" exclusively for roller coaster

You Me At Six and their label, EMI, have respectively recorded and licensed what is claimed to be the world's first song written specifically for a roller coaster. The song, “The Swarm,” will serve as the soundtrack for a winged rollercoaster of the same name located at Thorpe Park, just outside of London.

For non-roller coaster riders, the song will be available in iTunes in the UK on Mar. 18. No word on a domestic release. You Me At Six released Sinners Never Sleep late last year.

UPDATE 1:00 p.m. ET: You Me At Six guitarist Max Helyer was kind enough to give some exclusive statements on this song. Check them out below:

On whether they were hesitant about doing the track: “None of us were hesistant about doing a track for Thorpe Park. It's the first time anybody's got to do anything like this. We all grew up around Thorpe Park, I live just down the road and we've all had a great time there. There was no reason to say no, we thought it was an amazing idea and we were happy to part of it.”

On the track itself: “It's a bit like 'Bite My Tongue', but without screaming. The first thing you do on the ride is a 127-foot drop and to go along with that, we thought we'd better have a massive chorus, so we wrote the chorus and built everything else around that.”

When they hope to get to try it out: “When we get back from our UK tour, I'll definitely be checking it out. I can't wait.”

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