May 22, 2008


Savious Into Abaddon [4/5] Led by drummer Scott Batiste and guitarist/vocalist Austin Barber, Oakland, California, riff-rock quadrangle Saviours write songs that channel an arcane mytho-mysticism of their own design, pounding home each unintelligible lyric with a hi-watt cannonade of drum domination and sheer amplified force. Produced, engineered and mixed by Joe Barresi (Tool, Queens Of...

Moros Eros

Moros Eros Jealous Me Was Killed By Curiosity [4/5] Moros Eros’ Victory debut, 2006’s I Saw The Devil Last Night And Now The Sun Shines Bright, served up a smart jigsaw puzzle of bright indie-pop and dark post-rock-hardly sounding like a typical Victory album. Their sophomore effort, Jealous Me Was Killed By Curiosity, finds the...

Cat Power

Cat Power Jukebox [3/5] There’s an argument to be made that the worst thing the famously erratic Chan Marshall-that’s Cat Power to you-ever did was get her shit together. Consider that a warning. Long-time fans who hated her slick, soulful and focused 2006 breakthrough, The Greatest, won’t find much to love on the first half...


Carbon/Silicon The Last Post [3.5/5] For the past few years, ex-Clash guitarist Mick Jones and former Generation X bassist Tony James have pursued their version of the musical future as Carbon/Silicon. Long before Radiohead let the market dictate the price of their art, Jones and James were giving away their tunes online, embracing the idea...
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