November 10, 2009


ArmsBendBack ArmsBendBack [3.5/5] ArmsBendBack’s self-titled sophomore LP would be deemed impressive if only for the killer opener, “Where’s My Bourbon?” Ah, but one brilliant track does not an album make. Luckily, there are plenty of other worthy songs that add to ArmsBendBack’s appeal, most notably “It’s Nothing New,” the inspirational “We Can Change It”...

The Hot List

Who’s moving and shaking this week? Each week, you tell us who the top bands are in our Readers Chart. What’s that? Your favorite band isn’t in here? That can change next week if you vote here. This is who tips the scale this week: ALL TIME LOW Paramore A Day To Remember ...

Track-By-Track: Switchfoot

Frontman JON FOREMAN walks us through every song on SWITCHFOOT’s Hello Hurricane. “The storms of this life shatter our plans. They tear through our world and destroy our hopes and dreams. They ruin sunny days, flatten the structures we depend on, and shock our world-views. Hello Hurricane is an attempt to sing into the...
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