February 6, 2015

Saosin update fans: "We will still be writing new music and working towards a great future"

In light of guitarist Justin Shekoski's recent announcement of temporarily joining the Used while they're on tour, he has updated fans on Saosin's current state. Despite his new engagements, he claimed Saosin “will still be writing new music and working towards a great future.” You can read all of what he had to say below. Read...

"The band made this record just for the fans"—'American Candy' producer talks the Maine, progression

The Maine have posted a short documentary video in which producer Colby Wedgeworth discusses the band's new album, American Candy, and the progression that has taken place throughout their career. Give it a watch below and leave us a comment with your thoughts. Read more: What are the Maine doing in the desert? American Candy is set for release...
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