October 14, 2020

QUIZ: Which Green Day era are you the most like?

This is a public service announcement: If Green Day’s epic ¡Uno!, ¡Dos! and ¡Tre! trilogy counts as one really, really long album, then the classic band have eleven diverse albums in their esteemed 30-plus-year catalog. Eleven. That’s 170 songs total—and 100 more than most of your favorite bands. Because there’s truly something in every genre...

20 guilty pleasure horror movies that true genre fans will love

In his 1981 book Danse Macabre, legendary author Stephen King makes a potent defense for the kind of films that are often labeled “guilty pleasures.” “I’m no snob,” King writes, “and if you are, that’s your problem. In my business, if you lose your taste for good baloney, it’s time you got into some other...
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