Pornhub looking to buy Tumblr, reinstate NSFW content

You may recall the backlash Tumblr faced after it announced that it would be banning all adult content from the site after it was removed from Apple’s app store following concerns that child pornography had made its way onto the platform. Since then, Tumblr has seen a pretty drastic drop in traffic but may soon be saved by an unlikely hero—Pornhub.

We may be getting that NSFW content back after all.

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In an interview with BuzzFeed News, Pornhub Vice President Corey Price revealed that they are “extremely interested” in purchasing Tumblr after Verizon reportedly revealed they are seeking a buyer for the platform.

“Tumblr was a safe haven for those who wanted to explore and express their sexuality, adult entertainment aficionados included,” Price tells BuzzFeed News. “We’ve long been dismayed that such measures were taken to eradicate erotic communities on the platform, leaving many individuals without an asylum through which they could comfortably peruse adult content.”

In the three months following the company’s rollout of Safe Mode, Tumblr has seen a drop of 150 million visits.

From December 2018 to February 2019, traffic fell from 521 million visits to 369 million visits, according to SimilarWeb. This is roughly a 30 percent decrease in visits.

The decrease in traffic is likely due to the ban, as many used the website for adult content. There have been many online petitions with hundreds of thousands of signatures asking for the company to reverse the policy.

Fortunately for Tumblr users, Pornhub tells BuzzFeed that they will reinstate NSFW content on the platform should the purchase become official.

“There are obvious synergies between the two brands and value Pornhub could derive from Tumblr,” Price says. “We’re extremely interested in acquiring the platform and are very much looking forward to one day restoring it to its former glory with NSFW content.”

Would you like to see Pornhub acquire Tumblr? Sound off in the comments below!

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