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'Lady And The Tramp’ live-action remake poster highlights a classic scene

Lady and the Tramp, one of Disney’s most iconic cinematic experiences will at least include one of the most famous scenes in cinema history in its live-action remake.

For over 80 years Disney has been pumping out iconic cinema moments and, aside from a few hiccups and outcries, they keep delivering.

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What scene do you say? “I haven’t seen that flick in years.” Well, it’s the one that’s been recreated in probably dozens of movies since its release in 1955.

The famous spaghetti and meatballs moment featuring two animated dogs sharing a romantic dining experience underneath the moonlight. Tony is belting away “Belle Notte in the background and giving two dogs quite the 5-star experience with his accordion.

They’re so enthralled that they both innocently start eating the same noodle, and then, they share a kiss.

Well, we don’t know if the scene will be recreated exactly the same way given Disney’s on-again-off-again attitude about sticking to the source material in their live-action remakes. But we do know it’ll be in there, thanks to the all-new movie poster shown below.

[Photo via Disney
As if that wasn’t cute enough, a shelter dog named Monte portrays the titular character, Tramp. If you’d like another look at Monte and his romantic costar Rose, check out D23’s tweet below.

Lady and the Tramp will be released on Disney’s all-new streaming service, Disney+. Lady and the Tramp release date is slated for Nov. 12, which is also the first day of launch for the new streaming service.

Go rewatch this classic scene and let’s compare it to the remake when it drops. Tell us your favorite Disney scene in the comments below.

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