Danny Blu White Knight 2020
[Photo by: Brian Brigantti]

Danny Blu battles against anxiety in hypnotizing track “White (K)night”

As 2020 kicks in, Danny Blu is proving once again that he’s not the type of artist to stay stagnant for long. After releasing three massive solo singles in 2019, including “Bubble,” and fronting the shadowy dance-rock group Echo Black, Blu is continuing to have a pronounced voice through his work.

AltPress teamed up with Blu to give you the exclusive first listen to his new track, “White (K)night.”

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Despite the track’s upbeat rhythm and infectious lyrics, Blu reveals that “White (K)night addresses his personal struggle with anxiety.

“‘White (K)night’ is probably my favorite song I’ve written so far,” Blu says. “Every time I listen to it, even now, I love it. That almost never happens. [The song is] about anxiety, specifically social anxieties and how I deal with them, mostly with drugs and alcohol. It’s about seeking validation in all the wrong places [such as] social media, the wrong crowds, egomaniacs [and] social vampires.”

In spite of Blu’s success with Echo Black, his solo releases allows him to amplify the volume of his voice to project his feelings and eliminate stigmas.

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“Writing this track, even through the difficult subject matter, was a dream,” Blu says. “I co-wrote this track, as I did all [of] my other solo tracks, with Walter Dicristina, who also produced the song. Walter is simply, without question, one of the most talented people I have ever met. Walt pushed me to a new place in terms of songwriting. The lyrics are raw and biographical. The personal nature of this track is exactly what I wanted to accomplish with my solo material. When I write with Echo Black, I represent four points of view. When I write for this project, I get to give you my heart. ‘White (K)night’ is something I’m scared to put out. Which is why I think it’s special.”

The release of “White (K)night” represents a fresh start in a new year for Blu.

“2019 was sort of a train wreck for me,” Blu reveals. “To be blunt, my mental health was in extremely poor shape. Echo Black toured with some wildly condescending and detrimental people, and I spent much of the year in a very dark place. For me, the release of this track is a new start, especially considering it’s coming out in January and shortly after my 30th birthday. I’m in a better place mentally, physically and spiritually. As far as plans for the new year, I have some more surprises in store, and the band are working on a new body of work.”

You can listen to Danny Blu’s new track “White (K)night” below.


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