Here’s how to watch Daniel Radcliffe read you the first ‘Harry Potter’ book

If you’re still stuck at home during the coronavirus pandemic but just can’t get yourself to actually pick up and read a book, J.K. Rowling and friends at Harry Potter At Home have your back. Starting today (May 5), some of our favorite stars will be reading Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone.

The first star on deck to read the chapter that started it all, The Boy Who Lived, is none other than Harry Potter himself, Daniel Radcliffe

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Harry Potter At Home launched back in early-April as a way for Harry Potter fans to banish boredom. The site is filled everything from Harry Potter articles and news, to games, puzzles, craft kits, audiobooks and much much more.

“For over twenty years now, Hogwarts has been an escape for all – for readers and fans, young and old,” the website says. “During the strange times we now find ourselves in, we want to welcome you back to Hogwarts, where you will find a friendly retreat for you, your family and those you are caring for.

Well now there’s some more new content coming to Harry Potter At Home. J.K. Rowling and the rest of the team of the Wizarding World collected some big names to read the first, pivotal book in the iconic franchise. 

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Starting with Radcliffe, a new person will read a chapter of the book every week. Others participating include Stephen Fry, David Beckham, Dakota Fanning, Claudia Kim, Noma Dumezweni, and Eddie Redmayne. And there are still plenty of guests left to appear. The book has 17 chapters in total. 

You can watch the stars reading the book or tune into Spotify who is also hosting the readings. 

If you plan on watching, you might notice some artwork interspersed with the other content. Well, that’s because Harry Potter At Home wants you to submit your own artwork of crucial scenes. 

“Brilliantly, you yourself can get involved in future chapters, from Chapter Two onwards, so your own pieces can feature alongside our special guest narrators,” the website states. “According to our incredible mathematics skills, you have sixteen chapters remaining of Philosopher’s Stone/Sorcerer’s Stone to work with – so please do send in your artistic interpretations of key scenes.

Check out a little teaser below.

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If you plan on watching the readings, head here. To simply listen, you can check them out on Spotify here

Visit Harry Potter At Home here. If you haven’t yet signed up for Pottermore, do that here. You can get sorted into your house and find out your Patronus. Plus, get your wand and learn all about the Wizarding World.

Who are you most excited to hear read Harry Potter And The Sorcerer’s Stone? Tell us in the comments below!

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