
How to look pop-punk: Style Essentials with Broadside’s Ollie Baxxter

I'd like to start off this post with two confessions: the first being that I am in no way shape or form projecting myself as some fashion god or expert. The second, is that I whole-heartedly believe in the beauty of a person’s thoughts, ideas, and beliefs — it's just the package that it is wrapped in is the first thing we as human beings see.

And now for a short story…

When I was 11 years old, my mother and I would hop in her busted old Hyundai late at night after my brother and sister went to sleep. This routine usually took place on Sunday nights as people tend to feel more “giving.” We would drive up to the Goodwill drop off point, usually located on the back or side of the buildings. After surveying the area, I would run up in the silence of the night, grab every black trash bag full of clothes that I could, and haul ass back to her car. We would then go home and separate the clothes into piles. My brother’s, my sisters, and mine. Occasionally, I would come across some name brands in the “trash” and those were separated into the “first day of school” pile. Say what you want about these methods of “shopping”, but I was sick and fucking tired of being the kid in the back of the class with torn jeans and giant Old Navy baseball tees. I learned at a very young age how to style myself. You see style can't be bought. Clothes, jewelry and makeup can, but all of that is worthless if you can't represent it in a way that suits you. I'm 25 now and though I'm not racing through the night collecting gems from the trash, I still find myself not having the money for the brands that I want. So I bargain shop, save, and even started my own clothing brand (Damaged Kids Clothing). Being in a touring band, I don't have time to hate myself in front of the mirror for half an hour every day. I ditched that mentality and started thinking “How can I look good no matter the occasion, while keeping it simple and making it versatile?” I've put together a few pieces from my own collection that I feel represent me as a person and hopefully inspire someone to post a “missed connection” on Craigslist. The beauty of style is that it's yours. Only you know what it means to make you happy.

Creating The “Coffee Talk” Look

This is a go-to outfit for me when I’m going on a date. It’s dressed up enough with the casual blue chambray short sleeve button up, but simple enough to not look like I try too hard. I’m a pretty heavily tattooed dude so the simplicity of basics works in my favor often as well. I almost always prefer dark wash raw denim. I just really enjoy the look as they travel with me on tour and on stage. They begin to take on their own look and feel which ultimately reflects your lifestyle. My wingtips are one of my prized possessions and receive compliments from everyone, from kind old ladies to foxy mom’s on the strip in Nashville. And I absolutely swear by topping it all off with a timepiece. It works two ways; a watch keeps you from having your phone out and being that guyand it represents that to you, time is valuable.

—Vans Dark wash denim
—Dappertime Wrist watch
—Herschel Supply CO. card keeper wallet
—Calvin Klein Fields wingtip boots
—APC Chambray button up


Creating The “Summer Nights” Look

Summertime is both a blessing and a curse for anyone who uses hair products and wears jeans every day. I started wearing joggers a few years back and there are a few million selections of snapbacks in existence. I tend to wear a lot of band tees or branded tees in the summer. They’re light, and to be honest, I just have so many from tour trade-offs with bands or boutiques we’ll stop in on the road. The jogger was designed to show off the shape and look of the sneaker, specifically the trainer sneakers. Its original purpose was to keep from having to pin roll your jeans which would often stain your shoes when it would bleed. Now however joggers are simply everywhere and can be purchased mad cheap and are of course more fashionably accepted. I like that they give a sense of “freedom,” and then collect again at the bottom just above the ankle. They also allow you to jump higher, run faster, and automatically dance like Justin Bieber, so…

—Stussy worldwide tee
—The Hundreds tee
—Koji joggers
—Nike Free run
—Nike Cortez
—Rotting Out snapback


Creating The “Tour Essentials” Look

I like to pack very light for tour but of course, I have the essentials. I always have at least 12 white tees with me. The white tee is a staple in my wardrobe. I know that no matter what, I can wear a sneaker or a boot and it will look good. Denim or jogger it will still look good! I also bring a water bottle with a protein shake blender inside. Since the most important key to confidence and dressing yourself is to first love yourself and the way you look, fitness is an absolute must. Especially for a vegan who tours… Yes, that means I eat a lot of french fries and bread. Don’t believe everything you hear—not all band dudes are grimy and let all personal hygiene go out the window. I may wash in a Walmart sink, but dammit, I still wash.

—Vans- various denim
—Fruit Of The Loom- multiple white tees
—S&W pocket knife
—DICE- 456
—Herschel Card keeper
—Rotting Out Snapback
—Vega Protein powder
—Water Bottle- water
—H&M Swimtrunks
—Herschel Duffle bag with sneaker pocket
—Polo Double Black cologne
—Drakkar Noir Deodorant
—Throat Coat


Style photos: Ollie Baxxter

Follow Ollie Baxxter:

Instagram @Oliverbaxxter

Twitter @Oliverbaxxter

Clothing brand Instagram: @Damagedkidsclothing

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