Samantha Vargas


renforshort is prioritizing mental health more than ever on Dear Amelia

Renforshort is prioritizing transparency. The artist confronts mental health and encourages others to do the same on her new album, Dear Amelia.

Zella Day turned her own abortion story into song with “Radio Silence”

On June 24, Zella Day was set to release her new pro-choice anthem “Radio Silence.” Then the Supreme Court voted to overturn Roe V. Wade.

carolesdaughter: “Music saved me; music gave my life purpose”

carolesdaughter has a lofty goal for the new year: bringing back music videos on MTV. Equipped with the nostalgia-heavy visual for her single “Target Practice,” Thea Taylor is ready to take on any television executives who stand in her way. While many TikTok stars might not even remember a time when MTV played music videos, […]

For Dora Jar, working as a musician is akin to being a wizard—interview

Before you find yourself in her DMs, Dora Jar already knows that her name is a pun. She’s reminded about it at least once a week. And just like with her eclectic sound, she references her childhood for its inspiration. While some might not feel a nostalgic connection to an automated car alarm, Jar makes […]
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