Instagram now shows how much time you spend on it

Now you can check out much time you spend on Instagram. Which is great and scary at the same time.

The app started rolling out the “Your Activity” feature to help you track your time online.

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According to The Verge, Instagram’s “Your Activity” is now available for users. Now, you can track how much time you spend on the app. It tracks the daily and weekly activity, which can be really helpful for those of us who spend too much time online.

In addition to showing you the hours, the feature also lets you set daily time limits and temporarily mute push notifications. You know, for when you really need to focus.

You can find the tool on the upper right corner of your profile. “Your Actvity” is listed alongside your name tag and saved pictures.

The Verge also reports that Facebook will introduce a similar update soon, as well. It’s reportedly called “Your time on Facebook,” but there’s no set release date yet.

More news from Instagram

The app recently announced a partnership with Soundcloud that lets users share the songs they’ve been listening to and post them to their Stories.

Once users download the newest version of SoundCloud’s app, all they have to do is find the track they want to post and hit the share icon at the bottom of their screens. When doing so, they’ll hit the Instagram icon or select the “Share to Instagram Stories” option (which depends on the phone you’re using.).

Plus, there are reports that Instagram is working on school stories. The collaborative feature aims to create specific stories that only students from a certain school can see or add to.

This adds to the app’s anti-bullying initiatives. In October, it announced it started using artificial intelligence to root out bullying in photos and captions. The same technology is also being applied to live videos.

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