Princess Leia, Mark Hamill
[Photo via YouTube]

‘Star Wars’ actor reflects on silliest fight he and Carrie Fisher ever had

Earlier this week, Star War’s Mark Hamill paid tribute to the late Carrie Fisher with a hilarious photo of a frog with snails-for-Princess-Leia-buns. In the comments of that photo, a Twitter user asked Hamill what the silliest fight he had with Fisher was. Because Hamill is just that kind of guy, he actually responded with a heartwarming story.

In a quoted tweet, Hamill shared about the time he and Fisher found out that they (Princess Leia and Luke Skywalker) were siblings in the Star Wars franchise.

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“When they told us it would soon be revealed we were siblings,” Hamill says in a tweet.  “Me: “Wait a minute, If Luke is Princess Leia’s brother…does that make me royalty?” Her: (without a moment of hesitation ) “NO!!!” I didn’t really care, but she really, REALLY did, so I never let it go — EVER”

Of course, the interaction had Star Wars fans deep in their feelings. Additionally, many took to the platform to defend either Hamill or Fisher.

You can rewatch the scene where Luke Skywalker tells Princess Leia that they’re related below.

Despite Fisher’s passing, it looks like we will be seeing her character grace the Star Wars screen again soon. Star Wars: Episode IX will recycle unused footage of Carrie Fisher for her character of General Leia.

What do you think of Hamill’s anecdote of Carrie Fisher? Let us know in the comments below.

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