jesse cash

15 metalcore videos that are making 2021 a massive year for the genre

From animated high-speed chases to fiery explosions on LED panels to straightforward clips of musicians pouring their hearts out, there are so many different directions a metalcore band can take when crafting the perfect music video. Artists are tasked with determining which visual effects will best enhance the story being told in the song.  Over […]

ERRA's self-titled album finally freed them from the fear of expectations

Despite forming over 10 years ago, ERRA’s upcoming self-titled record feels like the group’s fullest collection of work and has justly earned its title. As a collective unit, ERRA have composed a clear revolutionary objective both lyrically and thematically across their 12-track self-titled album. Leaning heavily into their progressive metalcore musings, ERRA reflect their consistent […]
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