junior doctor

These 10 neon pop-punk bands should reunite much sooner than later

It’s safe to say that the short-lived, synth-driven neon pop-punk scene was equally loved and loathed. In a world where everybody needs to be the heaviest, coolest or (admit it) most famous, this was a scene that did not take itself seriously. That’s not to say writing a killer hook is a piece of cake. […]

10 neon-pop bands who need to make a comeback

The late 2000s through early 2010s were defined in our scene by catchy synths intertwined with pop-like melodies, garnering the name “neon pop” or “neon pop punk.” With merch that was just as bright as the dance anthems that were produced, we can’t help but look back on the short-lived genre with fondness and a […]