Lande Hekt

15 up-and-coming solo artists to add to your playlist

In a scene chock-full of prolific bands, solo artists have often felt like a rarity. Still, that hasn’t prevented musicians such as Avril Lavigne and Olivia Rodrigo from gaining significant prominence within the alternative sphere. No surprise, the underground is brimming with soloists who are ready to take their specific genres by storm. From singer-songwriters […]

11 LGBTQIA+ and women-owned labels that are changing the music industry

In an industry dominated by men, several women and LGBTQIA+-owned record labels have started taking over the music scene. Whether they emerged from the riot grrrl movement of the ’90s or were recently founded, their existence is nothing short of important in heightening representation in music. They are challenging the status quo and, in doing […]

50 new artists you need to hear in January

Everyone loves to jam out to their favorite artists and classic hits, but let’s not forget about all the fresh talent constantly popping up around the world. From pop and indie to punk and post-hardcore, there’s always a new name in music waiting to be heard.  We know there’s a lot of faces to sift […]
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