
Watch APTV backstage with Beartooth, Underoath at American Nightmare Tour

APTV's Orlando coorespondent Tori Kravitz joined Beartooth and Underoath as they prepared for their opening show for Bring Me The Horizon. Being the first night of the American Nightmare Tour in the warm Orlando Amphitheater, we got to see fans lined up as early as 5 a.m. run to the front of the pit.

Beartooth vocalist Caleb Shomo and later Underoath explained to us their excitement for the tour, general plans for the future and even what it's like to guide each other.

“Bands like Beartooth to me is a saving grace for this genre as far as this younger generation goes,” said guitarist Spencer Chamberlain.

Check out the video for the behind the scenes and make sure to subscribe to APTV for more interviews with your favorite bands!