September 3, 2020

Why Friday Pilots Club don’t need a genre to make good music

In a society that’s constantly obsessed with image and keeping up appearances, it’s easy to forget to be who you are. Decked in black and surrounded by gold, Friday Pilots Club tackle that notion in their latest music video, “Look Better In Gold.” From their debut with 2017’s “End Of It” to their latest track...

These 10 song lyrics are better than any pickup line you’ve ever heard

What’s the dumbest pickup line you ever heard? Better yet, what’s the dumbest one you’ve ever used? It’s probably something you wouldn’t want to own up to in the first place. Then again, maybe it worked so amazingly well, you’re keeping it to yourself. (If not, please drop it in the comments section below.) We...

These 10 Britpop tracks from the '90s were the UK antidote for grunge

This week, the British Broadcasting Company announced that Oasis’ 1995 hit “Wonderwall” was the biggest-selling Britpop track of that decade. Noel Gallagher wrote the song about “an imaginary friend who’s going to save you from yourself.” While it’s an amazing song, Britpop as a movement was something different altogether. More proud than pensive, clamorous than...
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