Here are 10 punk-rock icons whose work continues to inspire generations

It does seem positively quaint. But there was a time when it looked like the world completely hated everything regarding punk rock. Popular culture reflected that back at us. Somehow punk was going to destroy the values Americans held so sacred back then. Many thought punk was a mere fad that was the equivalent of an empty sugar high. We all know how things turned out. And these punk-rock icons deserve your continued attention and devotion.

If this were February, we’d call this piece a valentine. On Nov. 1, we’d call it a homecoming. But today, we’ll call this APTV clip a tribute to the punk figures who changed things and got shit done. These are the punk-rock icons who reminded us there were no rules—and no need to go along quietly with anything. They opened our minds to not only sonic possibilities but to the way we could conduct our lives. 

Read more: Quiz: How much ’70s punk trivia do you really now?

This is the part in the story where we hint at who we’re featuring in the video. But given all of these punk-rock icons accomplishments, the slightest hint feels like the beginning of a spoiler parade. Major cities are represented. Genders and people of color are, as well. The DNA helix of punk and hardcore unite to form a bond that will continue to influence, inspire and educate both listeners and artists of the future.

One more thing: At the beginning of the video, there’s a disclaimer. We would never put any of these artists in any kind of numerical order. Simply put, they’re all worthy of space should a Mount Rushmore of punk ever be considered. But the punk ethos finds that kind of aggrandizing worthless. Maybe if we erected a 200-feet high concrete slab the size of an NYC city block, we could fit them all in? Anything can happen. Because that’s what these punk-rock icons showed us.

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