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Here’s how Black Flag and LCD Soundsystem inspired sophie meiers

If it were still the ‘90s, you wouldn’t be able to go to your local Blockbuster, rent a teen rom-com and not hear sophie meiers echoing in the opening credits. Creating a celestial ambiance on their latest EP, you and me again, meiers embodies soft whispers while exuding Gwen Stefani’s “zero fucks given” attitude. Throughout you […]

HEALTH's John Famiglietti says their new LP was their quickest to make

In 2021, collaboration was the lifeblood for HEALTH. Last year alone, the band linked up with Poppy (“DEAD FLOWERS”), Nine Inch Nails (“ISN’T EVERYONE”), Perturbator (“Excess”) and Deftones’ Chino Moreno and Tyler Bates (“ANTI-LIFE”). Each of those singles sounds unique, taking on distinct characteristics of their collaborators. “There’s less pressure [with collabs],” John Famiglietti explains. […]

Meet Cydney Sherman, the 17-year-old behind cydn3yyy, the screen-printing brand catching Olivia Rodrigo's attention

Cydney Sherman creates Y2K-inspired screen-printed designs with her brand cydn3yyy. Now that Olivia Rodrigo & have Halsey wore her pieces, she talks creating the brand and her inspiration.

I've toured the world but still work at Starbucks

A note from the author, Sept. 2017: I’ve found what I believe to be the happy medium to pursuing my dreams. Instead of dropping everything and forgoing my main source of income, I’ve been easing off working and dedicating more time to the things I love. For example, although my main band broke up, I’ve […]

Q&A: A conversation with Colin Abrahall of GBH

If you’ve been to a real punk show during the past two decades, there’s a significant chance you’ve seen a few denim jackets emblazoned with patches that say GBH. In case you’ve only been alive for a portion of the past two decades, you might not know what those letters mean. GBH (or Charged GBH) […]

How Japanese streetwear brand Have A Grateful Day is promoting gratitude with Grateful Dead-inspired merch

Have A Grateful Day is a clothing brand paying homage to the Grateful Dead. Founder Yusuke Komori explains how he’s inspiring daily gratitude along the way.

Zeph explains why she doesn’t enter a new year expecting anything—interview

Last year, Zephani Jong went from a bedroom songwriter to touring with Waterparks after securing herself as a social media savant with brutally honest and witty observations. It’s these same homed-in exposés she’s channeling within her lo-fi pop tunes as Zeph. Finding more fans by the day jumping on board, with her puppy Basil pacing […]

My Chemical Romance reveal new symbols alongside return merch

My Chemical Romance day is in full swing. As the hour of their performance grows closer, fans in line have kept an eagle eye on everything going on around them. From the arrival of the merch truck last night to figuring out what type of merchandise is being sold, nothing gets by the MCRmy. As the […]

Behind the arcade bar explosion

It’s the lights lining the pinball machine. It’s the familiar sounds of Pac-Man gobbling dots or Mortal Kombat’s “Finish him.” It’s nailing the high score in skee ball or it’s winning at Mario Kart. It’s a combination of sights and sounds so rooted in a generation’s culture that it would be unnatural not to feel […]

7 music-related podcasts you need to listen to

The podcast has been around for over a decade, and for most of that decade, they were primarily the domain of hobbyists, amateurs and public radio junkies. But thanks to recent shows like the runaway hit Serial and signature events like President Obama’s appearance on Marc Maron’s WTF, podcasts are having a moment. Matt Pryor […]