‘It: Chapter Two’ child cast had to be de-aged for flashback scenes

IT: Chapter Two filmmakers revealed they had to de-age the child actors in the upcoming film so they look the same as they did in the first film. 

The visual effects appear to reverse the aging of cast members so they look younger, and has been used in films such as Captain Marvel.

Director Andy Muschietti told Total Film that the flashback scenes use the technology. This is due to the two-year gap between films, and how much young people age in such a short span of time. 

“From the beginning, we knew that that would be part of the budget, the visual effects to address that,” he said. “So we’re going to de-age the kids.”

During the interview, Muschietti also talked about how legendary author Stephen King was relatively hands-off for the first film. However, this time around, King loved the film so much he reached out to contribute this time around.

It was absolutely huge. For me, it would be unthinkable when I was 12 or 13,” the director said when speaking to Total Film. So when the author read the first draft of the sequel, made a few notes, and requested the addition of “one all-new scene,” Muschietti listened. You don’t tell Stephen King that he can’t write It”

It: Chapter Two hits theaters on September 6. Check out the trailer below. 

More IT: Chapter Two news

If you thought watching Avengers: Endgame felt long, It: Chapter Two is about to stir up some similar feelings.

There’s a lot left to cover in the second instalment, and the movie is reportedly clocking in just under three hours.

A few days ago,  a listing on AMC Theaters’ website reported that the runtime for It: Chapter Two clocked in at a whopping two hours and 45 minutes. Now it looks like that was accurate.

Director Andy Muschietti confirmed the runtime to Digital Spy, saying “Nobody who’s seen the movie has had any complaint.” The movie actually was meant to be even longer than this, sitting around four hours long in the original cut.

“At the beginning, when you’re writing and building the beats of the story, everything that you put in there seems very essential to the story,” says Muschietti. “However, when you have the movie finally edited and it’s four hours long, you realize that some of the events and some of the beats can be easily lifted but the essence of the story remains intact.”

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He further explains, “You cannot deliver a four-hour movie because people will start to feel uncomfortable — no matter what they see — but we ended up having a movie that is two hours and 45 minutes, and the pacing is very good.”

Producer Barbara Muschietti also says we’re getting a director’s cut of the film with all of the missing scenes.

“We have some amazing scenes that didn’t make it into the movie. You have to make choices sometimes and some things cannot be in this theatrical release but are definitely worthy of people seeing them at a later date.”

Muschietti has said the new movie will make a number of departures from the novel.

“Even though we stay true to the spirit of the original story, there’s some changes and detours and departures that are very interesting,” he said. “You know, (keep) the audience surprised and for people who’ve read the book.”

We can’t wait to see what he’s talking about when It: Chapter Two comes out.

What do you think about the movie using de-aging technology? Sound off in the comments down below!

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