halloween blue moon playlist
[Photos via Meet Me @ The Altar, Waterparks/Jawn Rocha]

Which song should you listen to under the blue moon based on your zodiac sign?

It’s probably not as fancy as you think. We’ve heard people cheering about the “blue full moon on Halloween” for a while now, and it sounds very exciting. But we need to get a couple of things straight first: The blue moon isn’t actually blue. It’s simply what the full moon is called when it happens twice within one month. Still, it’s something of a rarity. Though we often see Halloween depictions of bats silhouetted against a full moon, the most wonderful day of the spooky szn is illuminated by a full moon only once every 19 years! 

It may not light up the sky in a ghastly blue this Halloween, but that certainly doesn’t make this moon any less special. After all, the more energy and focus the collective puts toward a beacon of power such as the moon, the more powerful it becomes. Believe and respect it for its uniqueness and find that place in your life that needs focus and change and let the blue moon do its work.

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Overall, this blue moon represents second chances and forgiveness, specifically toward oneself. As it’s rooted in earthly Taurus, it points toward your goals and things you need to accomplish. The blue moon gives you a chance to forgive yourself for slacking off but also firmly asserts that you get off your bullshit and back on track. 

Of course, each sign will be affected differently by this cosmic phenomenon, so we compiled a playlist for each of the signs to listen to under the full moon and recharge your energy and realign your goals.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Song:Phoning It In” by Gerard Way
Why it fits you:
Hey, Aries. Chill out for a second. The blue moon in Taurus is reminding you to do a little less right now. Recently, you may have made some irrational decisions or were a bit irresponsible with funds. It’s OK to put on your pajamas and watch horror movies. Remember you don’t have to go full force 24/7 to live a successful and happy life. Order pizza, sit back and recenter yourself. Listen to fellow Aries Gerard Way singing about phoning it in while you do so. 

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Song:Somebody Told Me” cover by Motionless In White
Why it fits you:
Oh, this one is going to be fun for you! This is
your moon, after all, and it wants you to go all out and have a ball. Be both open and introspective. Laugh with others (at a distance) and learn more about yourself. Your vibe is going to be electric, mysterious and playful. Just be careful to avoid negative confrontations—your feelings of joy and self-expression could easily turn to self-loathing. Listen to Motionless In White’s cover of the Killers, dress up in your fanciest costume and run free!

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Song: Lowkey As Hell” by Waterparks
Why it fits you:
Hey, busy body! It’s been a hot minute since you’ve stopped to focus on yourself. The blue moon will be a driving force of introspection, allowing you to delve deeper and to truly be honest with yourself about who you are, where you’re going and what you
truly want from your life. To make the most of this, however, the grounded Taurean moon will not only want you to figure this out but also use its power and influence to make a change if you find you need it. Waterparks“Lowkey As Hell” is the spiritual successor to “Watch What Happens Next” from FANDOM and takes stock of benefits and whether they’re worth it. You may find yourself thinking, “Is this worth it?”

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Song: You Know What They Do to Guys Like Us in Prison” by My Chemical Romance
Why it fits you: Cancer, you may just feel like partying this Halloween. (We all wish we could, really.) While we can’t suggest you do that in public with crowds, a Zoom party or safely distanced hangout with your closest friends is just what you need right now to feel connected and to reenergize you for the rest of the year. So, hang out to the extent quarantine will allow and listen to the My Chemical Romance classic “You Know What They Do To Guys Like Us In Prison” while you do it to get fully hyped and appreciate your ride-or-dies.

Leo (July 23 – Aug. 22)

Song: A New Day’s Coming” by Frank Iero And The Future Violents
Why it fits you: The blue moon is bringing Leo the unexpected! In a good way! As the moon shines down on you on Halloween, take a second to congratulate yourself on everything you’ve accomplished and are continuing to accomplish. Such work ethic and drive could be leading you to new opportunities. Be aware of your surroundings and don’t let potential opportunities pass you by. Celebrate yourself and your future by listening to “A New Day’s Coming” by Frank Iero And The Future Violents.

Virgo (Aug. 23 – Sept. 22)

Song: The Sights” by Enter Shikari
Why it fits you:
The blue moon will have you craving excitement and perhaps feeling a little impulsive. Luckily, Enter Shikari have the
perfect song for this mood with “The Sights.” Gaze at the full moon, turn it up and pretend that you’re flying far away from the mundane and the familiar. It may not be a complete escape, but this track on repeat can create a nice illusion!

Libra (Sept. 23 – Oct. 22)

Song: Destroy Me” by Salem
Why it fits you:
Keeping people at an arm’s distance is not only what you like to do naturally but also what we
have to do while social distancing. However, you may find yourself longing to forge deeper, more intimate connections under this full moon. You’ll also find yourself exploring the darker side of yourself during this time. We say, keep it fun and appropriate to the holiday while you vibe to Will Gould of Creeper’s new project Salem with the adorable, spooky romance romp “Destroy Me.”

Scorpio (Oct. 23 – Nov. 21)

Song: True Believers” by the Bouncing Souls
Why it fits you:
First off: We hope you’ve been enjoying Scorpio season and are absolutely thriving. Because this moon falls within you-time, its power is going to hit you particularly hard, especially in regards to connections with others. Take time to hang out with the people who mean
the most to you. This is also a fantastic time to let go of connections that no longer serve you and open up to the people you love and who love you the most. The Bouncing Souls have endless odes to lasting friendships, but perhaps the best one to celebrate your friends with is “True Believers.”

Sagittarius (Nov. 22 – Dec. 21)

Song: Hazy Youth” by Trementina
Why it fits you:
Be selfish. The blue moon will be particularly powerful for you if you take the day entirely to yourself and forget your cares for a while. Meditation or a luxurious bath is likely to bring you extreme clarity and offer you novel ideas during this time. Really indulge yourself, whether with Halloween candy or by staying in a skeleton onesie all day. This is your day, so just go with the flow. We highly recommend some eyes-closed chilling while listening to shoegaze. May we suggest “Hazy Youth” by Trementina?

Capricorn (Dec. 22 – Jan. 19)

Song: The Middle” by Jimmy Eat World
Why it fits you:
OK, we know this is a hard one for you, but the blue moon is going to beckon you to let loose, Capricorn. Work can wait for at least one day while you play. Obligations be damned: Have
fun this Halloween and listen to a true scene classic that always goes the fuck off at emo nights. Have a dance party in your living room, sing your lungs out to “The Middle” by Jimmy Eat World and remember: “Everything/Everything will be just fine!” 

Aquarius (Jan. 20 – Feb. 18)

Song: Garden” by Meet Me @ The Altar
Why it fits you: Aquarius
, we know everyone’s always telling you to come down from the clouds, but this time we’d like you to ground yourself for a good reason and with good people. Sometimes, it takes connecting with the people who love you the most to refocus on your current path. We suggest hanging out with your best friends, especially those who have been there with you through the hardest times, like the friendship described in Meet Me @ The Altar’s pure pop-punk “Garden.”

Pisces (Feb. 19 – March 20)

Song: Witch Wave” by the Haxans
Why it fits you:
Something about the progression of the moon’s fullness throughout the night is calling to your nocturnal soul, making you want to keep up with it and celebrate both the moon and the holiday. Though you may not be able to go out, the party spirit will be awakened within you all night. Any track from the Haxans’ 2017 full-length
Party Monsters will do, but Ash Costello and Matt Montgomery’s “Witch Wave” in particular is perfect for sating your desire to dance under the Halloween moon.

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