Sage Viscovi


15 songs that reference someone by name

Lyrics are a powerful artistic tool. Musicians often draw inspiration from their past experiences to write captivating songs. Less often, these same musicians will call out the people who inspired these songs by name. Whether it’s a sweet homage or a bittersweet confrontation, here are some noteworthy tunes that reference individuals in their lyrics. Read […]

10 alternative YouTubers who should be on your subscription list

Since its inception in 2005 (Yes, you’re that old!), YouTube has grown into the world’s foremost video-sharing authority and has helped skyrocket the long-term careers of hundreds of creators around the globe. With over a billion users visiting monthly, finding new channels can be daunting if you don’t know what to search. Luckily, we’re here […]

If your favorite musicians were teachers here’s what would happen

Imagine a school where every teacher rocks and no class is worth skipping. We took the liberty of matching some of your favorite musicians with what subject they would teach in school. Let’s take a look at your schedule for the semester. First Period: Math with Mr. Whibley With a band appropriately named Sum 41, […]

Create a pop-punk band and we’ll tell you what pizza topping you should get

Pop punk and pizza? Honestly, name a better duo. We’ll wait. For as long as the genre has been alive, these two things have always gone hand in hand. We’re not quite sure what it is about pizza that gets people so revved up, but who’s complaining? The only time we’ll complain is when we […]

13 Warped Tour memes to help you forget it’s over

Well…that’s all, folks. The day has finally come, and the end of an era is here. On this day in history, we bid farewell to the final cross-country Vans Warped Tour (we’re not crying, you’re crying). In these dark times, it’s important for us to remember not to cry because it’s over, but to smile […]

10 musicians we bet you didn’t know are also photographers

Finding a new band is awesome. What’s more awesome is finding out the members of said band are multitalented outside of their own field. For as long the technology has been around, music and photography have gone together like peaches and cream. Whether they are freelancer photographers, snapping on the road or just looking for […]

17 band-themed cakes to prove that “it wasn’t a phase” on your birthday

It’s always a nice treat when your loved ones all pitch in to get you a cake on your birthday. But why settle for your average, run-of-the-mill dessert when you could have one themed around your favorite band? Read more: 10 things we want for AltPress’ 33rd birthday And these cakes don’t just feature them […]

The 15 best music videos set in high school

Pep rallies. Driver’s ed. SAT prep. For anyone who attended high school, these keywords will bring back vivid drama-filled, bathroom-graffitied memories. From varsity football games to awkward slow dances, we’ve got you covered with all of our favorite high school-oriented music videos of the past few decades. We hope this list will receive the highest […]

7 of the best rising bands under 21

Remember your high school Battle Of The Bands competition? For music lovers everywhere, this annual event was a pivotal part of adolescence, but for many of these aspiring acts, the dream ended once college began. Very seldom does a band break out before graduation, but a handful of groups have managed to march on, proving […]
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